Academic Libraries, Library staff, Institutions, Digital age and sustainabilityAbstract
The study sought to ascertain the engaging academic libaries for sustainable digital age. The study was guided by four research questions . This study adopted web-based survey research design using google form questionaireas the instrucment for data collection. The total population of this study was one hundred and thirteen(113) library staff from Federal polytechnic library oko,Anambra State and Federal polytechnic Nekede,imo state in southeast Nigeria. The population was small and mangeable hence the researcher adopted a web-based census enumeration technique to study the entire population. Instrument for data collection was a wed -based structured questionaire designed on a four-point rating scale. A total of 113 copies of questionaire were distributed and the same numberwas returned. Data collected were analyzed using simple percentage and mean(x) scores. Finding of the study revealed that academic libraies have to engage in the digital age as the expectations are ubiquitous and unlimited as more innovative technology is unfolding. Based on the findings ,the study recommends ,that the exoectations of digital age is unlimited, that academic libraries have to engaged in the digital age for sustainable digital resources . increase of libary budget will enhance information access provider of the digital resources ,also safeguard institution's repositories.