Provision, Utilization, Digital Reference, Digital Reference Resources, Librarians, Federal Universities, North central, NigeriaAbstract
This research examined the provision and utilization of digital reference resources among federal university libraries in North Central Nigeria. This study adopts descriptive survey research. It identified the digital reference resources provided and utilized in by the libraries, the technological skills possessed by the librarians, the modalities and methods of provision and utilization of digital reference resources, the benefits of digital reference resources, the challenges faced in the provision and utilization of digital reference resources and the strategies for providing and utilizing the digital reference resources were provided. A descriptive survey research design was used for the study. A total population of 71 librarians from three federal universities in north central Nigeria were used for the study. Census study was used to adopt the entire 71 libraries as respondents for the study. Three instruments were used for data collection in the study; these are: observation checklist, structured questionnaire and interview schedule. The data collected was analyzed and presented using simple mean, percentages, tables and frequency counts. The findings revealed that different kinds of digital reference resources were available and in use in the libraries. The librarians possess the technological skills for provision of digital reference resources. There are different methods employed for the provision of digital reference resources that are effective in the libraries. There are similar methods of utilization of digital reference resources in the libraries. The benefits of training librarians for digital reference services include; translating reference questions to search engines, exploring search engines result quickly, retrieving a saved document etc. The challenges faced include: lack of fund, power failure, cost of subscription/packages, frequent advancement in ICT, negative attitude of librarians towards training among others. Hence, the following recommendations were made: frequent training programs should be organized, result oriented training programs should be organized to help librarians overcome techno phobia, funds should be made available, attractive salaries and better working conditions should be provided to facilitate the provision and utilization of digital reference resources in the libraries.